This endpoint allows you to create payment request. Recipient of this request is not being deducted until he accepts payment.
Data Requirements
Provide the following data requirements when sending a POST request to the Create Payment Request endpoint.
Additional Header parameter:
Parameter | Required? | Description | Type |
Client-Id | No | Unique identifier of Child Account (required only for Partner). See Authentication Page to learn more. | String |
The body of this request should contain the following parameters:
Parameter | Required? | Description | Type |
amount | Yes | Non-negative amount to create payment request. | Number |
description | Yes | A customized message describing the nature and reason for the payment. | String |
handle | Yes | The borderless™ username (@handle) of the customer you would like to request payment from, without the “@” symbol. Read more about borderless™ @handles . | String |
popCode | Yes | Purpose Of Payment (known as “POP”) code that denotes the reason for the payment required for compliance. You can retrieve those via Reference Section of the API. | String |
exchangeCurrencyBasis | No | Exchange Currency Basis defines in whos currency (BENEFICIARY or PAYER) payment will be executed. Possible values are BENEFICIARY and PAYER. Default value is BENEFICIARY. | String |
beneAcceptedFees | No | This field indicates who pays the transaction fee. The default value is set to true which means the recipient (user who requested) pays the fee. If set to false - payer will pay the fees. | Boolean |