API Reference
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API Reference

Retrieve Payment Status


This endpoint allows you to retrieve payment status and details using the payment reference number or payment request id (if willing to retrieve payment request).

How can I find my payment reference id?

You can retrieve the payment reference id from multiple places:

  • From the borderless™ dashboard:
    Click "VIEW" to open the payment details of an individual payment. A window will open and on the top right corner you will see "Reference" which will display the payment reference id.

  • From the mass payout CSV report
    If you submitted payments using our CSV file upload feature or Group payout functionality via borderless™ dashbord or via API using our mass payout endpoint, you receive an email with a summary report (reports are provided in .csv format). In those reports, you will find "Payment Reference ID" as one of the columns.

  • From confirmation emails
    borderless™ sends confirmation emails to both the payer and the beneficiary regarding initiated payments and their status updates.
    In confirmation emails, you can find under the payment details an ID reference number.

  • From receiving webhooks
    If you have webhooks enabled and set up for your API, you will receive payment details and updates via webhook.
    In our webhook, we provide the payment reference id under "paymentId" field.

How can I find my payment request id?

  • From the borderless™ dashboard:
    Click "VIEW" to open the payment details of an individual payment request. A window will open and you will see "Payment Request Link" field which will display link for payment.
    That link will contain payment request id. For example, if provided link in payment details is https://sandbox.secure.getborderless.com/payment-request?id=cl9e3ipuo8fzq0830k08cfgwr then payment request id will be cl9e3ipuo8fzq0830k08cfgwr.

If you have any issues locating your payment reference id, please contact support.

Data Requirements

Provide the following data requirements when sending a GET request to the Retrieve Payment Status endpoint.

Additional Header parameter:

Parameter Required? Description Type
Client-Id No Unique identifier of Child Account (required only for Partner). See Authentication Page to learn more. String

The url of this request should contain the following path parameter:

Parameter Required? Description Type
paymentReferenceId Yes A unique number generated to identify each individual payment. String

Response Body

The response will contain the following information:

Parameter Description Type
paymentReferenceId A unique number generated to identify each individual payment. String
createdAt The date when the payment was created (ISO format). String
paymentEntryType The type of transaction. Possible values are: CREATED_PAYMENT | RECEIVED_PAYMENT | CREATED_REFUND | RECEIVED_REFUND. String
paymentType The type of payment for this particular trade. Possible values are: LOCAL | INTERNATIONAL. String
refundType The type of refund, if applicable. Possible values are: FULL_REFUND | PARTIAL_REFUND. String
status The current status of the payment. Possible values are: PENDING | SCHEDULED | UNCLAIMED | REQUESTED | PROCESSING | IN_TRANSIT | COMPLETE | CANCELED | DECLINED | FAILED | RETURNED. String
amount The value of the amount of the payment in the payer's currency. Number
amountInUSD The value of the amount of the payment in USD currency. Number
fee The amount of the fee to be paid by the payer. Number
feeInUSD The amount of the fee to be paid by the payer in USD currency. Number
totalAmount The amount that was sent plus any fees related to the payment for the payer. Number
currency The primary currency used by the payer identified by a three letter code. String
beneficiaryFee The amount of the fee to be paid by the beneficiary if applicable. Number
beneficiaryTotalAmount The amount to be sent plus any fees related to the payment for the beneficiary. Number
beneficiaryCurrency The three letter code associated with the currency used by the beneficiary. String
accountNumber Unique identifier of borderless™ verified accounts. String
ledgerType Ledger type determines if payment is incoming or outgoing. Possible values are: Credit | Debit. String
batchId Unique identifier of executed mass payout or mass claim payout. String
clientPaymentRef This field is an optional reference to enrich the payment data for internal tracking or in order to quickly match payments between borderless and third party systems. This reference will be returned in the webhook of payment. String
refundReason The reason for sending a refund, if applicable. Possible values are: CUSTOMER_REQUEST | DUPLICATE | BUSINESS_REQUEST | OTHER. String
estimatedArrival The estimated date this payment will arrive in ISO format E.G. 2022-06-14T00:00:00.000Z. borderless™ provides an estimated arrival time based on the payer's currency and the beneficiary's currency. This is an estimate and not an accurate date. The payment may arrive sooner or later than the estimated arrival date. String
paymentDescription A customized message describing the nature and reason for the payment. String
paymentMethod The method in which the payment was sent. For example, from borderless™ balance or bank account. String
originalPayment An object that links to the original payment if this payment is a refund. String
originalPayment.paymentReferenceId A unique number generated to identify each individual payment that refers to an original payment if this payment is a refund. String
originalPayment.payerAcceptedFees Identifies who paid the fees on original payment if this payment is a refund. String
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!