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API Reference

Retrieve the data required for creating an external contact based upon country and account type


This endpoint will provide you with the information required for each country to add an External Contact. Simply provide the 2 letter country code and the account type, BUSINESS or PERSONAL, and you will receive a JSON object listing all possible requirement categories and whether or not they are required for your particular case.

Data Requirements

Provide the following data requirements when sending a GET request to the Required Data endpoint.
In the URL of your request include the following information as parameters.

Parameter Required? Description Type
country Yes This field is the two letter country code identifying the country that you want to retrieve information for. String
accountType Yes This field indicates the account type for the contact you wish to add. This can be "BUSINESS" or "PERSONAL" as the requirements differ for each. String
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!