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Update Banking Information


With this endpoint you can update banking details for an existing external contact. By updating banking details, you are adding a new bank account where borderless will automatically switch the preferred bank account to be the new bank. Your external contact will receive all future payments to the new preferred bank account.

Data Requirements

Provide the following data requirements when sending a POST request to the Update Banking Information endpoint.

Additional Header parameter:

Parameter Required? Description Type
Client-Id No Unique identifier of Child Account (required only for Partner). See Authentication Page to learn more. String

The body of the request should contain the following properties for the values you wish to update:

Parameter Required? Description Type
handle Yes This is the @handle associated with a contact's account. For an internal contact it appears as @{handle}, for an external contact the format is ^{XXXXX} where X represents randomly generated alphanumeric strings. An example would be ^be39D. String
accountNumber Yes The number associated with the bank account you want to add. String
bankName Yes The name of the bank for the account you want to add. String
bankAccountType Yes The type of bank account you want to add. Possible values are: CHECKING | SAVINGS. String
country Yes The two letter ISO code for the country associated with the bank account you wish to add. You can retrieve borderless™ supported countries via Reference Section of the API String
currency Yes The primary currency used by the bank account you wish to add identified by a three letter code. String
routingNumber Yes/No The routing number used by the bank account if applicable. String
bankSwiftBic Yes/No The SWIFTBIC identifier used by the bank account if applicable. String
branchName Yes/No The name of the individual branch for th bank account you wish to add if applicable. String

NOTE: Please use required information endpoint to confirm what data (routing number, swift bic or branch name) is required.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!