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Accounts API Introduction

Learn what you can do with the Accounts API.

Accounts API

Use the borderless™ Accounts API to customize the Account experience on your platform. With the borderless™ Accounts API you can:

  • Create Child Accounts
  • Verify Child Accounts
  • View Child Account Status
  • View Child Account Payment Activity & Monthly Statements


Integration Time

The borderless™ Accounts API generally takes 1-2 days to implement. The integration time may vary based on your company's needs and available development resources.


Partner AccountA Partner account is a type of account that has multiple business clients (such as marketplaces). A Partner account has access to our premium features and can make those services available to their clients. A Partner account has a direct relationship with borderless and signs an Integrated Partner Agreement ("IPA"). Once the IPA is signed, the Partner account can integrate and leverage the borderless™ premium services to grow their business.
Child AccountA Child account is a client of a Partner account. A Child account may receive access to the borderless™ services, including payment processing capabilities, indirectly via the Partner account. Through an integration to the borderless™ Partner API, a Partner account may make certain borderless™ services available to their Child accounts.


Pro Tip

To learn more about Partner vs Child Accounts with borderless™ please visit the Account Types page.

Child Account Creation

There are two types of Child Accounts:

  • Business
  • Personal - Please note that at the moment Personal Accounts are unable to make payments.

Once a Child Account has been created it undergoes a KYC and Compliance process. To learn more about creating Child Accounts please visit the Child Account Creation page.


Pro Tip

Account Creation requirements may vary by account type and country. Please use the Required Information endpoint to verify what data is required for your specific needs.

Account Verification

borderless™ handles all global compliance requirements, including KYC and AML. After account creation, each Child Account undergoes a strict KYC and Compliance process for Account Verification. To complete the Compliance process, certain documents are required. These requirements may vary by account type and country. You may upload the required documents using the following endpoints:

  • Account Verification
  • Personal ID Verification
  • Company Officers

To learn more about Account Verification please visit the Account Verification page.


Pro Tip

Account Verification requirements may vary by account type and country. Please verify the Account Verification requirements for your specific needs.

Account Status

borderless™ provides a unique status for each stage of Child Account Creation.

StatusDefinitionAccount Permissions
NOT_SETUPRegistration has been started but has not been completed.None. This account must complete registration.
PENDINGRegistration is complete and verified documents have been uploaded.None. This account is in compliance review.
VERIFIEDThe account has been verified by compliance.Full. Account has been approved by compliance and is ready to use the borderless™ Services.

Retrieving Activity & Statements

borderless™ provides Partner Accounts with the ability to view certain activity and statements of their respective Child Accounts. You may use the Account Payment Activity endpoint and Account Monthly Statement endpoint to view:

  • Created payments
  • Received payments
  • Created payment requests
  • Refunds


Pro Tip

To view the payment activity between your Partner Account and any other borderless™ Account, please refer to the Contacts API Experience.

You may use the Account Monthly Statement endpoint to view Monthly Statements.


Pro Tip

Monthly Statements include completed payments only. Monthly Statements will not include any pending payment activity.


Authentication Header

Remember that all borderless™ API calls must be Authenticated. To learn more about Authentication, please visit the Authentication Guide.