This endpoint allows you to send payouts to your contacts around the world. By integrating this API endpoint into your own system you will have the flexibility and control to seamlessly pay your contacts in any supported borderless™ country. Below you will find the requirements for sending this POST request.
Data Requirements
Provide the following data requirements when sending a POST request to the Mass Payout endpoint.
Additional Header parameter:
Parameter | Required? | Description | Type |
Client-Id | No | Unique identifier of Child Account (required only for Partner). See Authentication Page to learn more. | String |
The body of the request should contain a key of “payments” with the requested payments contained in an array. Each payment must contain the following information:
Parameter | Required? | Description | Type |
payments[0].handle | Yes | Account @handle of the recipient, without the “@”. Read more about borderless™ @handles | String |
payments[0].amount | Yes | Non-negative amount to send to the recipient. | Number |
payments[0].description | Yes | Description of what the payment being sent is for. | String |
payments[0].POPCode | Yes | Purpose Of Payment (known as “POP”) code that denotes the reason for the payment required for compliance. You can retrieve those via Reference Section of the API. | String |
payments[0].payerAcceptedFees | No | This field indicates who pays the transaction fee. Please note that when paying external contacts (i.e contacts you have created), the payer always pays the fee even if indicated otherwise. If left blank, the default to borderless™ users is that the recipient pays the fee. | Boolean |
payments[0].clientPaymentRef | No | This field is an optional reference to enrich the payment data for internal tracking or in order to quickly match payments between borderless and third party systems. This reference will be returned in the webhook of payment. | String |
paymentMethod | No | This field specifies the payment method for the current payout. Possible values are FUNDING_BALANCE. | String |
paymentMethodCurrency | No | This field specifies currency to be paid from. If FUNDING_BALANCE is specified as paymentMethod, then this field is required. | String |