JUMP TOGetting StartedIntroduction: Partner APIPartner API ExperiencesNo-Code borderless™ OptionsKnow Before You CodeGetting StartedAbout the APIAccount Types@Handle OverviewWebhooks OverviewWebhookError HandlingAuthenticationAuthentication GuideAuthenticationAuthenticate borderless™ API calls.postSingle Sign On (SSO) IntegrationAccounts APIAccounts API GuideAccounts API IntroductionChild Account CreationAccount VerificationCommon ErrorsQuestions & SupportOn-BoardingCreate borderless™ child accountpostUpload Documents for VerificationpostUpload Personal IDpostUpload Documents for Company OfficerspostSubmit Information about Company OfficerspostRetrieve Status of the AccountgetPayment ActivityRetrieve payment activity of the accountgetRetrieve monthly statement of the accountgetReferenceRetrieve the data required for creating a child account based upon country and account typegetView business types for an input countrygetView all job titlesgetView all business industriesgetContacts APIContacts API GuideContacts API IntroductionAdding ContactsManaging ContactsExternal Contact API - Quick StartInternal Contacts API - Quick Startborderless™ Link™ - Quick StartCommon ErrorsQuestions & SupportExternal ContactsExternal Contacts RecipesRetrieve the data required for creating an external contact based upon country and account typegetAdd an external contact via manually entered bank account informationpostRetrieve the status of an external contactgetRetrieve personal and banking details from a contactgetUpdate Banking InformationpostUpdate personal account information for your external contactspostRetrieve payment activity between you and your selected external contactgetRetrieve all your contactsgetInternal ContactsInternal Contacts RecipesAdd borderless™ contactpostRetrieve personal details from an internal contactgetRetrieve payment activity between you and your selected internal contactgetUpdate personal account information for your internal contactspostRetrieve all your contactsgetWidgetborderless™ Link™ Overviewborderless™ Link™ Recipesborderless™ Link™ Authentication.postRetrieve borderless™ Link™ customizations.getPayouts APIPayouts API GuidePayouts API IntroductionPayouts API ExperiencePayouts API RecipesPayout API Card PaymentWebhooksPayouts API Common ErrorsQuestions & SupportMass PayoutsPay one or many clients at different @handles simultaneouslypostClaim PayoutsMake multiple payments to email addresses at oncepostPaymentsRetrieve Payment StatusgetSearch PaymentspostCreate Payment RequestpostPay Payment RequestpostSubmit Single PaymentpostCreate Contact and Submit Single PaymentpostUpload File to PaymentpostRetrieve Payment ConfirmationgetReferenceRetrieve calculated fees and minimum amountsgetView all borderless™ supported countriesgetView zone codes for an input countrygetView all purpose-of-payment codes and their descriptionsgetPay In APIPay-In API GuidePay-In API IntroductionPay-In API Common ErrorsQuestions / Contact SupportBalancesRetrieve all available balancesgetRetrieve specific balance by currencygetRetrieve details for specific balance by currencygetAdd FundsAdd funds via direct debitpostAdd funds via wire transferpostCollections APICollections API GuideIntroductionOn-Demand Debit ExperienceQuick StartOn-Demand Debit API GuideRecipeWebhooksError HandlingQuestions / Contact SupportRecurring PaymentsDebit a single customer from a specific on-demand debit recurring payment plan.postDebit all customers in a given on-demand debit recurring payment planpostAdd a customer to a recurring payment planpostRemove a customer from a payment planpostPowered by View all borderless™ supported countriesget https://prod.api.getborderless.com/supportedCountriesIntroduction This endpoint allows you to retrieve all countries currently supported by borderless™. Data Requirements There is no data requirements for this endpoint.